Monday, September 20, 2021

Governing our Mind Through Yoga & Meditation


Yoga is more than asanas.It’s a complete lifestyle that promotes holistic health. 

Yogyata  word is generated From Yoga , Which means Eligible.


Yoga is a holistic and mindful practice that includes physical movements 

(asana),breathing (pranayama), meditation (dhyana) and relaxation 




7 Level of Existence


Human assistance is constructive framework, which includes 7 levels.


Body is very first level which distinguished your physical appearance, your fitness. Second 

level breath, our life is based on inhale and exhale. Capacity of breathing defining life in 

every individual on this earth. Even our breathing related with our emotions. Rhythm of  
breath changes with our state of mind.

Mind and Intellect are important level of human existence where thought process, brain 

storming take place. Memory level is data center, which is important for synchronizing all 

activities. Next level is Ego, related to self esteem but proportion matters. Last and most 

important one is soul in sanskrit its called as "Chaitanya".

Human Energy Sources


Adequate energy sources increase the work efficiency. If Consumption is sufficient then 

energy level leads towards enthusiasm.  




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